Common daily backache is attimes caused by non medical causes frequently amenable to preventive care at home. Join us in implementing a daily preventive care that can keep you from going to pain management clinics and spine surgeons. Implementing some changes in your lifestyle can help you manage preventable daily backaches :
1. Strengthen your core as strong back and abdominal muscles support the spine and prevent spine related problems.
2. Manage your weight as big belly in obesity is constantly pulling your spine forward causing daily backaches. Get ready, it is time to loose those extra pounds and build your core.
3. Implement daily stretching and strengthening exercise routine.
4. Learn the right posture and use your knees and leg muscles as you lift heavy objects.
5. Manage stress everyday with good sleeping habits, relaxation exercises, meditation and stretching.
6. Increase your activity and avoid constant sitting.
7. Make right exercise choices. In some cases, high impact exercises like running can increase back pain. If you notice this, discontinue exercise that increases your pain and seek medical assistance.
If you have implemented this plan but continue to experience severe and chronic back pain, you may have disc herniation, degenerative spine , spinal stenosis or spinal curve problems. We are available to help you with diagnostic work up and nonsurgical treatment options.